as a formality

as a formalityas a formality
  1. Let 's end up with one final question , just as a formality .


  2. Look , I have to ask this as a formality ,


  3. A short visit , especially one made as a formality or for business or professional purposes .


  4. Token review-Doing the review as a formality just because the management intends to get it done .


  5. He looked upon the wedding ceremony as a mere formality & something to be got over with as quickly as possible .


  6. At international level , a country 's image is better served if a science minister is actively involved in bilateral exchanges , rather than treating his or her attendance as a mere formality .


  7. From science and technology management perspective , the act of placing more emphasis on initiation of a scientific and technological plan project than its management , and doing inspection and report as a mere formality have directly caused its poor quality .


  8. In practice , the daily mathematics classroom learning evaluation and homework evaluation still exist many problems , such as some become a mere formality , lack of scientific and practical , and some too palaver to waste teachers ' time .
